November 5, 2010

{props props and more props}

You're probably asking what that hideous styrofoam head is doing below. I picked it up at a garage sale for free over a year ago. It made it's way over 300 miles during our move earlier this summer, {try explaining to your husband why you must have the styrofoam head come with you, ha!}, and I knew i'd have a use for it eventually. 

With the boutique i'm a part of coming up, I immediately thought that this would be great for modeling my hair clips and headbands on my table. I had some pink tissue paper {just plain tissue for gift bags} lying around and my trusty Mod Podged, so I made like I was 5 years old again doing paper mache, and covered my styrofoam head. 
Please excuse the horrible 'before' photo, it was dark, gloomy and raining when I took this. Bad natural light means a crummy photo, but it was amazing weather!
What a transformation! Slightly shiny, new, bright, cheery, and most importantly useful. Can you tell that these two photos {'after' and 'in action'} we're taken on the day following the storm? Sunny skies, good natural light, much nicer photos. :)
Here it is modeling one of my Junebug Headbands. It's perfect! I'll be sure to post a pic of it in my table display next month. 

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